Emily Sage is a singer and song writer based in Charlotte North Carolina. She is traveling to Memphis the weekend of October 13th, and will be hosting a one time song writing class at Arrow Creative! We are so excited to host such a talented musical artist, and we thought you might want to learn more about her and this exciting experience!
How long have you been playing music?
I have been playing music since I was very young. I remember taking piano lessons when I was in the first grade, my friends came to my recital and sat in the front row and cheered very loudly when I finished playing Old McDonald had a farm. I got my first guitar when I was ten and started taking lessons soon after. Although I've been playing for a long time, I didn't really take it seriously until later on.
When did you know that you were a musician?
Going into my junior year of high school I went to this art camp in Lebanon, Tennessee. I went originally for visual art; I used to be a painter. In the camp, we had the opportunity to try out some other art forms via workshop. I took the songwriting workshop and it changed my world forever.
When did you first start performing?
My first public performance was in high school, I sang Don't Know Why by Norah Jones. What a classic. Although, back then I had no intention or even any idea that I could go into the music industry. It wasn't even on my radar. Not until I wrote my first song.
Who are some of your role models in the industry (or outside of it)?
My role models are honestly people I know who are slightly ahead of me in life, and I admire how they live their life, conduct business, and interact with the world. It's really valuable having not only great role models, but mentors who you can talk about issues or ideas with, people with whom you can have honest conversations with and trust their wisdom.
Why are you interested in playing in Memphis? What draws you to Memphis?
Memphis has a grit, soul, and depth that doesn't exist everywhere. You can feel the history emanating from the streets. My husband is actually from Memphis, which is how I started getting to know Memphis. Slowly but surely I'm learning more about the food culture, music, and history. But I have a special connection to the music. I grew up in Portugal and traditional Portuguese music, Fado, is filled with longing and heartache. Fado is said to be songs that come straight from the cries of the heart and soul. The fact that Memphis is known for Blues and Portugal is known for Fado, it's just such a special connection of heartache and longing. And as an emotional artist, songwriter, and human, I love heartache and longing.
What is your favorite thing about playing music?
My favorite thing about playing music is the ability to connect with people through creative expression. Whether it's a co-write, playing with a band, or performing in front of an audience, it's a way to experience art together in a deeply felt and personal way. No matter where you come from, what language you speak, who you are, there is some music that just touches you. It has the ability to get through so many barriers that other forms of communication can't. It's magic.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
I spend a lot of my time writing for myself and other people as well. I also compose and write for film and TV. More recently I've gotten into the world of Music for art installations, which has been very fun and a more abstract version of songwriting. I always encourage writers and other creatives to explore the corners of their art because you never know what you will find out about yourself and what you can make. So that's what I continue to do, as I can, explore the corners of songwriting.
Emily will be teaching a song writing class at Arrow on Friday, October 13th. You can learn more about the class and sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/songwriting-workshop-with-emily-sage-tickets-709623993467?aff=oddtdtcreator
This is a one time, special event here at Arrow. You do not want to miss out on this!
Don't miss her intimate live show at Comeback Coffee on Saturday October 14th as well!